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时间:2022-11-08 01:17 阅读数:9541人阅读

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中国灯笼节将在英国朗丽特行宫举行-China.org.cn维尔特郡将于11月14日举行中国灯笼节,届时近7000个A dragon-shaped lantern is seen at the illumination ceremony for the Chinese Festival of Light in “南瓜灯笼”高高挂NASA公布万圣节应景星云_中部纵览报道称,这片“杰克南瓜星云”(Jack-o’lantern Nebula)是由宇宙尘埃和气体组成,从NASA史匹哲太空望远镜提供的新影像看来,它和中间挖空、放了根蜡烛的南瓜灯。

>^< 年味十足的九十九个春节英文词汇64.灯笼:lantern 曲艺表演65.戏曲:traditional opera 66.折子戏:opera highlights 67.相声:comic dialogue;cross talk 68.小品:skits;sketch 69.口技中国灯笼再度点亮朗丽特行宫-China.org.cn11月13日,中国灯笼节再次在英国西南部威尔特郡朗丽特行宫开幕。Photo taken on Nov.12,2015 shows a dragon-shaped lantern at the illumination ceremony for 。

山西稷山:灯笼赶制忙-China.org.cn1月3日,运城市稷山县稷峰镇杨赵村村民在搬运灯笼。Villagers work in a lantern workshop for the upcoming peak sales season of Spring Festival in Jifeng 元宵节The Lantern Festival CCTV-International人们就开始忙着用油纸、绸布、竹子和花朵等材料制作But on the night of the Lantern Festival,they were allowed to view the lantern lights in groups. 。

“南瓜灯笼”高高挂NASA公布万圣节应景星云(图)中新网报道称,这片“杰克南瓜星云”(Jack-o’lantern Nebula)是由宇宙尘埃和气体组成,从NASA史匹哲太空望远镜提供的新影像看来,它和中间挖空、放了根蜡烛的南瓜灯Lantern shows light up across China-China.org.cnLantern shows light up across China The Spring Festival holidays wouldn't be complete without traditional lantern shows. CNTV CNTV。

Spring Festival Words灯笼lantern:a portable light 烟花fireworks 爆竹firecrackers(People scare off evil spirits and ghosts with the loud pop.) 红包red packets(cash Lantern Festival celebrated in Bangladesh with Chinese culture competition-Xinhua|English.news.cnA Chinese culture competition was conducted in Bangladesh's leading North South University on Monday to celebrate the Chinese Lantern Festival,which 。

